The Laboratory of Cognitive Clinical Sciences
We are the first Laboratory of Cognitive Clinical Sciences in the country, founded in 2017, and the first psychological research laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
The research directions of the Laboratory of Cognitive Clinical Sciences (LCCS) are stem from the premise of interdisciplinarity and integrate elements of psychology and psychopathology, while also addressing public health issues or digital mental health.

our mission
The mission of the LSCC is to advance the understanding of mental health as a public health issue through interdisciplinary research, grounded in cognitive science principles. We are dedicated to science communication and combating pseudoscience.
Research Directions
DIGITAL MENTAL HEALTH Our work focuses on the development and optimization of conversational agents such as chatbots for diagnosing anxiety and depression (within the aiCARE project), as well as on the development of serious games addressing issues like eating disorders (within the SIGMA project). |
HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION IN MENTAL HEALTH Studying the Uncanny Valley effect, which refers to the interaction between humans and anthropomorphized technological agents, is one of the priorities of the Laboratory of Cognitive Clinical Sciences (LSCC). Additionally, we focus on human-chatbot interaction through involvement in interdisciplinary research projects. |
PSEUDOSCIENCE AND MALPRACTICE IN PSYCHOTHERAPY The LCCS team has launched an initiative to disseminate up-to-date scientific information, titled "Together, We Can Combat Pseudoscience!" Through this initiative, we aim to present scientifically validated alternatives to some of the most common examples of pseudoscience found online. |
Discover more about our publications in prestigious journals, such as Clinical Psychology Review, Cognitive Therapy and Research, Behavioural Brain Research, Clinical Psychology, and many others.

Published ISI - WOS Articles


Chapters in Books
The Latest News

Guide to Effective Decisions
The article has prepared a list of steps you can follow to make decisions efficiently, based on cognitive psychology.

UNESCO International Group
The director of LSCC, Prof. Dr. Ioana Podina, has been selected to join the UNESCO International Expert Group on the Ethics of Neurotechnologies.

Brain Awareness Week
From March 12 to 16, 2024, LSCC organized the 6th edition of the event "Brain Awareness Week."
What Do Students Say?
I joined LSCC expecting quality and dedication from the team. I received all of this, which is why I can now say that the LSCC team has become a significant part of me.
LSCC is where I have nurtured my passion for research. Over the years, I have participated in many training experiences through the projects we have undertaken.
LSCC has facilitated my development both academically and personally. The laboratory has fostered a deep self-directed learning spirit and an accelerated understanding of science.